City of Lenoir Police Department accepting applications for K9 Academy
LENOIR, NC (July 30, 2021) — The City of Lenoir Police Department is accepting applications for the next Citizen’s Canine Academy. The academy starts in September and participation is limited.
During the academy, K-9 officers will instruct participants on basic obedience exercises and help class members address any obedience issue with their dogs. Instructors will not provide aggression/protection training, and no overly aggressive dogs will be accepted into the class. The academy is free to the public, but donations to supplement the canine budget are accepted.

Classes start Sept. 2. Each class will be one hour and will take place at various locations inside the city. Class size will be limited to provide an appropriate instructor to student ratio. Training will be conducted outdoors and requires standing for long periods of time and continuous walking.
Applications are due by Aug. 26, 2021.
Course Requirements
• Citizens interested in attending this course must submit the application form to the Lenoir Police Department no later than August 26th. Accepted applicants will be notified by the phone number provided. The application is included in the brochure linked below.
• Applicants must be 16 years of age or older. Applicants between the age of 16 to 18 must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
• Only applicants from inside Caldwell County will be considered, with priority going to residents of the City of Lenoir.
• No dogs under 6 months of age will be accepted.
• Only one dog allowed per household.
• Applicants are subject to a background check and must sign a release of liability.
• Dogs must have current vaccinations to include distemper, parvo, rabies, and kennel cough. Immunization records MUST be submitted on or before the first class meeting.
• All dogs must be receiving regular flea and tick treatments.
• Training will require the use of chain slip collars, approved leashes, and some type of reward item. Equipment will be discussed during the first training session.
Download the brochure and application via the PDF link below. If you have questions about the course, call the Police Department at 828-757-2100 and ask to speak to a canine instructor about the academy.
Citizen’s Canine Academy Brochure & Application (PDF)