RALEIGH, NC (March 14, 2017)…To raise awareness for suicide, post-traumatic stress and traumatic brain injuries within the military and our veteran population, the North Carolina National Guard and the Moldovan Army joined in a “22 Push-Up Challenge.”
Despite being separated by 5,100 miles, the NC Guard and Moldovan Army regularly work and train together and the esprit de corps between the two organizations is high.
Moldova, a state partnership program country with the NC Guard, challenged the Guard via Facebook. The NC Guard accepted the challenge with each organization producing a video. Since 1996, the Guard and Moldova has sent soldiers to each other’s countries to train, learn best practices and strengthen ties between their services.
DVIDS: http://www.dvidshub.net/unit/NCNG
Twitter: www.twitter.com/NCnationalguard
NCNG Public Web Site: www.nc.ng.mil/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ncnationalguard
Flickr: www.flickr.com/photos/ncngpao
A North Carolina National Guard Press Release
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