Mark Jackson

Mark Jackson

Apache Attack Helicopter Battalion Stays in North Carolina Army National GuardApache Attack Helicopter Battalion Stays in North Carolina Army National Guard

Apache Attack Helicopter Battalion Stays in North Carolina Army National Guard

RALEIGH, NC (January 9, 2018)…The U.S. Army and National Guard Bureau (NGB) announced its basing decision for the four Apache…

7 years ago
Newcomers of Catawba Valley to Host Speakers on ShinglesNewcomers of Catawba Valley to Host Speakers on Shingles

Newcomers of Catawba Valley to Host Speakers on Shingles

HICKORY, NC (January 6, 2018)…The Centers for Disease Control says that one out of every three people will develop shingles…

7 years ago
Obituary for Zelma Bowman Curtis of Granite FallsObituary for Zelma Bowman Curtis of Granite Falls

Obituary for Zelma Bowman Curtis of Granite Falls

GRANITE FALLS, NC (January 5, 2018)...Zelma Bowman Curtis of Granite Falls passed away Thursday, January 4, 2018 at Catawba Valley…

7 years ago
This week’s Caldwell Journal…This week’s Caldwell Journal…

This week’s Caldwell Journal…

CALDWELL COUNTY, NC (January 4, 2018)…This week’s Caldwell Journal is available to read as a PDF or as a Booklet.…

7 years ago
First Baptist Church of Granite Falls welcomes new Senior PastorFirst Baptist Church of Granite Falls welcomes new Senior Pastor

First Baptist Church of Granite Falls welcomes new Senior Pastor

GRANITE FALLS, NC (January 2, 2018)...First Baptist Church of Granite Falls is pleased to introduce Rev. Jay Worsley as our…

7 years ago
Keeping families safe when traveling in wintry weatherKeeping families safe when traveling in wintry weather

Keeping families safe when traveling in wintry weather

RALEIGH, NC (January 3, 2018)…With the possibility of snow this week coupled with the current bone chilling temperatures, Safe Kids…

7 years ago
Are you prepared for the Cold Blast???Are you prepared for the Cold Blast???

Are you prepared for the Cold Blast???

CALDWELL COUNTY, NC (December 29, 2017)…Cold wave possible. An arctic air mass will move into the area Sunday and remain…

7 years ago